Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What's UP?!

I wanted to let you guys know what's going on with my url change. Last Friday as I was traveling for the holiday I got a note from one of my girlfriends that my site was down. After about 30 minutes worth of digging we realized that the registration on my domain name had lapsed and some asshole named BORIS KREIMAN from New Jersey had purchased nikkibgoss.com. I contacted him right away, but still haven't heard from him.

I spent the weekend sulking and freaking out. There's no way I can hire a lawyer to fight for it back and if he's holding it for ransom, I can't pay. I've made a whopping $110 (that's rounding UP, lol) writing this blog; it's truly a labor of love. So while in the dumps, I decided to quit. And then I spent the rest of the weekend sulking and freaking out because I can't imagine not doing this! Finally, I decided "F*ck it, I'll start over." And in alot of ways that's exactly what I'm doing. It's going to be a long road back to where I was this time last week in terms of readers, but I'm up for the challenge.

PLEASE let your friends know where to find me! And if anyone knows Boris Kreiman of New Jersey, would you kick him in the nuts for me?! Bear with me for the next few weeks, please. I'm headed out on a 2-week vacation on Saturday but I promise to post while I'm away. And when I get home I'm going to announce my Summer Giveaway - it'll be a good one filled with my favorite things!

Feel free to send me emails and leave me comments trying to cheer me up! I need to hear from you guys.



Anonymous said...

Love ya!! You will be back bigger and better than ever baby!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you decided to keep going with this. It helps me get through these long work days. DON'T QUIT!
~Hugs from Hillary

Anonymous said...

I've already saved your new url. So glad you're continuing your blog. I love it and you!


Kim said...

Wherever you are, we will follow! And If I ever run into Boris, you better believe he'll be sorry! :-)

Unknown said...

lol! I know that's true, Kim!!

Love you guys! I honestly only thought about quitting for real for a couple of hours. It made me feel so shitty that I knew I couldn't do it.


Sarah_with Greta said...


You're the BEST! I'm glad to hear you're continuing. The H3LL with Boris - what an @ss. He's a loser.

Keep up your TERRIFIC work!


Sarah & Greta

Kim said...

PS - looked up Boris online - I wonder if he's this guy? http://www.kreimanchess.com/

Unknown said...

I'm sure it is! Feel free to send him nasty emails with my regards! ;-)

Unknown said...

Actually, THIS is the email I have for the person who took my domain name: kreimanchess@yahoo.com

Kim said...

Yep, looks like the guy. He may receive an email...

Karey said...

Stupid a$$ Boris! How dare he take your url! For shame Boris... for shame. I am facebooking it up for you!

Sara said...

What a dick. Is he asking for a ransom? Or just squatting? I'll sure as heck kick him in the nuts if I ever meet him. I love your blog Nikki, I'm not even 'into' celeb gossip, but I read it because I love it and I love you! Keep it up!

kim8424 said...

I'm so glad you decided to keep working at this. I love your site!

Gina said...

We love you Nikki. I'm glad didn't quit. You'll overcome and be better than ever. Boris the squatter, if you're reading this, eat sh*t and die.

Anonymous said...

Boris is a DICKHEAD!!!!

Nikki, you're awesome at this, and I'm glad to see you didn't let that asshole, Boris, get you down!!!!

Love ya!!!


KittyGirl said...

That was so weird, I kept looking for you though! Glad you started over.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back. Love your gossip!!!!!

Brinamom :)