Monday, April 13, 2009

Ronson & Lindsay Post-Breakup Report

Rumors abound that Sam Ronson has a new squeeze, lending credence to Lindsay Lohan's claims that the DJ cheated on her. Word is the new lady is "somewhat of a Lindsay look-alike, but with very dark hair," according to sources. A Ronson insider reports the woman's name is "Cindy" and she was seen was seen coming out of Ronson's Los Angeles home on Sunday.

Isn't it funny how Samantha Ronson's stock has risen? I know SO many women who have crushes on her. I'm sure she won't have any trouble finding a date.

Lindsay, on the other hand, has reportedly been out of control. Sources say she's been partying non-stop, guzzling vodka, incoherent and partying until the morning. So, while mama Dina has flown in to be by her side - it's not doing any good. A former Lohan assistant says that Dina is trying to get Linds back into rehab or at the very least couseling.