Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rihanna Returns From Barbados

Rihanna has been flitting around the world like a woman on a mission. And I guess she is - over and over we hear that she wants the whole Chris Brown mess to go away. While they haven't been spotted together since coming home from their "reunion" in Miami, no one is quite sure what the status of their relationship is. What we do know is that in the past couple of weeks Rihanna has been in New York, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Barbados and his now back in LA with her mom.

A couple of years ago Rihanna opened up to Tyra Banks that she had suffered awful migraine headaches as a kid - they went away as soon as her parents split up. Apparently, her parents had a rocky relationship.

Longtime Barbados friends of Rihanna are somewhat surprised that her father, Ronald Fenty's, continuously rants about the possibility that Chris Brown may get a reduced sentence or just probation for allegedly beating his daughter on Grammy weekend.

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that while Brown has pleaded not guilty to the charges, a close pal of the Fenty family reminds us that Ronald himself reportedly was guilty of abusing his wife and daughter ''in the not too distant past. ... For him to talk about beating women takes a lot of gall."


Anonymous said...

Why does she want this to just "all go away"? Why doesn't she want to deal with this? Maybe she has something to hide????