Thursday, March 26, 2009

Robert Pattinson: Would You?

Ok, so by now you've all read the reports that Robert Pattinson stinks. Credible sources as well as questionable ones have weighed in and it's unanimous: peeee- u!

But here's the REAL question.....would you care? If you had a chance to make out with Robert Pattinson would you turn him down over the BO + ciggie stench? Me? I dunno....I think I could tough it out. I know it's gross. Check out my new poll and let me know what YOU would do!


Anonymous said...

He just looks dirty. I don't think I could get past the odor and grease factor. Ewwwww.


Anonymous said...

I don't buy the odor story. Too many people have said the exact opposite about him, while ONE anonymous source says something else... NO. I need more proof than that. But even if it was true, I would tough it out long enough to get him in a shower. :P

I mean, really, he's hot as hell and a complete sweetheart... if SOAP is my biggest obstacle then I'm in.

Emmes said...

NO PROBLEM!!!! I'd hit that!

Unknown said...

anonymous - once the "source" said something about it, bloggers and reporters who have interviewed Rob commented that there was, indeed, a stink.

Not that *I* care! Really, it would have to be pretty bad for me to care.

Jackie said...

It wouldn't matter if he smelled wonderful, I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole. I think he is nasty. Yuck!

Salina said...

I agree with Jackie!
He's nasty!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the appeal until I finally saw the movie last night. Now I get it, but the smell would still gross me out.

Anonymous said...

Smell or No Smell....I would totally make out with him.

Only people that haven't read the book or watched the movie think he is gross. Watch the movie and then you can come back here and change your answer :o)

Karey said...

He is cute but not cute enuf to live thru raunchy BO. He would have to step it WAY up for me to live with that lol.

Anonymous said...

I would do him any time, anywhere!

Anonymous said...

regardless if these rumors are true or not, i'd probably do my best to get him alone in a shower or spa. so really, either way, it doesn't matter to me.

Anonymous said...

I think I could deal wiht his smell!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, isn't that what showers were invented for?? So just take a shower with him.. that'd work!! I'm in! Someone pass me the soap!

Anonymous said...

Man, that is a tough one. I think it depends on how bad it really is. I mean there are different kind of BO's: are we talking "I had a rough night BO" or is it "I am just plain nasty dirty"?


rachael said...

Sorry, B.O. is a no go. Couldn't do it.

Jackie said...

I've tried imagining this dude in a role that I would actually want to read or see and still, he doesn't do it for me. Totally not my type. Yuck.

Adie said...

I could deal with about anything for that man! haha