Monday, March 3, 2008

My Fave New Things

Other, fatter bloggers bring you new music. I bring you my favorite products! I LOVE new stuff. Especially new beauty products! I have two new favorite things I want to share with you.

First, Freeze 24/7's Instant Smoother & Brightener. This stuff is AMAZING! It's like face spackle that you can put on anytime to smooth fine lines/wrinkles and it makes pores disappear. I LOVE it. It's $65, which isn't cheap - but it makes my 30-something skin look twenty-something and THAT makes it worth it.
(downfall: the packaging)

Ever since I was a kid I've hated washing my hair every single day. It's not really about my hair's health so much as it is about my incurable laziness. Even as a 13 year old I remember sprinkling talcum powder into the roots of my dark brown hair in an attempt to go without washing for a day. What. A. Mess.

Through the years I've tried several products, but finally just settled on a ponytail. Now, finally I've found a GREAT dry cleanser for my hair!

Photobucket ($24)

Ojon's Rub-Out Dry Cleanser is great! It gave my hair more volume, bounce and shine the day after washing it than it had the day of. The only downfall is the smell (it's not awful, just distinct), but I've found if I blowdry my hair right after spraying and such that it's not as bad.
(downfall: smell)