Thursday, March 12, 2009

AI Results In: Down To 11

Jasmine and Jorge were sent packing last night, as predicted.

Wednesday’s results show produced two eliminations on Idol, and neither was a shocker: Ryan called Jasmine Murray, 16, and Megan Joy Corkrey, 22, down to the stage, told them that one was doomed — then booted Jasmine. Her cover of “I’ll Be There” on Tuesday’s show had been nice, but pitchy.

Then it was time for Anoop Desai, 21, and Jorge Nuñez, 20, to be summoned to the spot of shame. Anoop may have sung an awful version of “Beat It,” but his likable persona proved enough to keep him in the competition. Jorge, who’d gotten no love from the judges for his performance of “Never Can Say Goodbye,” was the one to go.

The real upset came when Ryan explained the new mysterious new rule he’d hinted at the night before.

Called the “judges’ save,” it allows Simon-Kara-Randy-Paula to unanimously reverse the ejection of a singer who has lost in the week’s call-in vote. The judges can do this only once a season, and only in the weeks before the Top Five. (Also, the week following the save, there’ll be a double elimination.)



Kim said...

What I think is sad is with the new rule the contestants have to sing and sit there all pathetic hoping the judges will save them. Did Jasmine or Jorge really think the judges would use their one save on them in the first show? Hell no!

Unknown said...

yeah, but they always had to sing and be pathetic! lol

Anonymous said...

I don't like the new rule. Why change now after 8 seasons? Is it because of all the past winners that have declared bankruptcy?

Unknown said...

I love the new rule. I think voters have made big mistakes in the past. If nothing else, it shakes things up a little.

What would bankruptcy have to do with it?

Jackie said...

I too like all the changes. It gives AI a new vibe which I'm sure brings back others, like me, that have lost interest and haven't really watched for a few seasons.

I'm confused though ~ how are they down to 10? Didn't they start with 13 and only two went home?

Unknown said...

lmao - math was never my forte. Thanks, Jack!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new rule! They should have been doing this from the beginning.

I also hope that Simon does really pick songs for all the contestants on one show.

amy said...

I was hoping the new rule would be that the audience would determine the bottom two each week and then the judges could pick which one would go home but I guess the new rule is as close as they could get without upsetting everyone.

Anonymous said...

What I meant by that was in the past, the winners haven't always done well once they left the show. AI may feel that many of the winners won based on popularity and not talent. Once the rest of the world got a hold of these people, they bombed. Maybe this is the way for them to make sure only the true talent goes through.

Unknown said...

yeah, I def think that's the reason. I think it's also to ward off another "Sanjaya" mess from happening again.