Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pharrell Sings For Supper At McD's

McDonalds doesn't give celebs special treatment. Not even Pharrell, who is TOTALLY a Celebrity Boyfriend. He really gives it his all trying to get his Big Mac Filet o' Fish Quarter Pounder French Fries...

Hey McD's - I think you're going to need Pharrell to do the updated version of this jingle!

Can you believe that the girls working there didn't seem the least bit charmed by Pharrell?! What's wrong with them???


Salina said...

That was SO funny!
He reminds me of my brother...trying to charm his way to get what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I can't believe the girls did not have any reaction to his little show!


kristi said...

ahhh! So cute! How could those girls not be affected by his charm?!