Thursday, March 20, 2008

Introducing: JLo, Max & Emme

Here they are!!
Do they look like Daddy?*

update: I heeard on the Today show this morning that JLo thinks the babies look just like Marc. Eeeek?


Stacee said...

Oh they are soooooo both going to look like him. HAHAHA
I mean they are babies and all babies are cute, but I've definately seen cuter.

Jackie said...

Well you know some babies start out looking like one parent and then change into the other one. Let's hope this hold trues for them. They are cute now but I'm sure Marc could have been a cute baby too!

Rachel said...

Look at how great JLo looks already! Where did all of the baby weight go?

Unknown said...

I think it's heavily photoshopped, Rach. I've seen other pics of her from last week and she looked puffy and super tired - like all new moms.

twiggfamily26 said...

Oh wow, I think J-Lo is sooooo beautiful, I mean I have always though that about her....she is a natural beauty, as far as her hubby, ewwwww! I hope these little ones look like!!! Ps....hey did you notice that Owen was on the cover of that People magazine?? Haha I just had to point that out ;)