Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kate Moss Dances on Jim Morrison's Grave, Gets Scolded

British supermodel Kate Moss got herself into a spot of bother with French police after she was caught dancing and kissing boyfriend Jamie Hince on the grave of legendary Doors frontman Jim Morrison.

The catwalk queen, 34, reportedly paid homage to the rocker - who died of heart failure at the age of 27 in 1971 - by singing an impromptu rendition of the rousing Alabama Song, which he recorded in 1967.

She was then joined by The Kills frontman Hince, who had taken her to visit the Lizard King’s resting place in Le Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.

A source said: “Jim Morrison is the patron saint of cool, so it was a lovely, quirky gesture.”

Security guards allowed Jamie, 32, to take Kate - a massive Doors fan - to the ever-busy shrine after it closed at 5.30pm.

But the party soon came to an end as passing gendarmes noticed their shenanigans.

The source added to Britain’s Daily Star newspaper: “The security guard was reprimanded and a giggling - Kate and Jamie were ticked off.

“It was hilarious and they left to get ready for Jamie’s gig still laughing and singing the main refrain from Alabama Song.” (Source: Showbiz Spy)


Anonymous said...

Kate is soo Pretty.