Tuesday, March 11, 2008

WTF Courtney Love?!

Courtney Love says she's not batshit crazy or bipolar - just a little neurotic. But if you don't believe that someone has stolen Kurt Cobain's identity and been spending all of Frances Bean's inheritance - well....YOU'RE batshit crazy. That's what she says, not me.


Don't you wonder what Frances Bean is like??
Courtney Love is blogging back at skeptics who say her latest fraud allegations are figments of a "bipolar" disorder.

The rocker raged when she read Monday that cops are supposedly laughing off the complaint she filed with the LAPD last Wednesday, alleging that she's the victim of an egregious identity theft.

"Courtney is simply (and possibly medically) delusional," TMZ.com contended, citing sources who claimed the LAPD is "not taking it seriously ... one source [said], 'It never happened.' … We found out she's been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. … Law enforcement thinks the identity fraud is in Courtney's mind."

Firing back on MySpace, she vented: "God, people are batsh—. And im not the one who is. and i hear now i am 'Bi Polar' uhhhh ... thats more nuts than I will ever be.

"I may be Eccentric, i certainly speak my mind and am slow to put out a record i need to mean the world to ME, and im sure i am quite Nuerotic but 'Bi Polar'. Thats just slander."

An LAPD spokesman declined to comment on Love's filing. She has told cops that identity thieves used the Social Security number of her husband, Nirvana star Kurt Cobain, who killed himself in 1994, to buy a $3.2 million mansion in New Jersey last year. She has also charged that the thieves opened 188 credit cards in her name and embezzled as much as $69 million from the couple and the trust fund of their daughter, 14-year-old Frances Bean.

Love handed over paperwork and bank statements bolstering claims, first aired in 2004, that business and bank associates and ex-friends swindled her and Frances.

Top litigator Howard Weitzman has seen fit to take her case on. He confirmed to us that "there is an ongoing invvestigation into the identity-theft and fraud issues Courtney is concerned about," but added: "I am not at liberty to say who is conducting the investigation."

Love has also been unleashing a torrent of e-mails, which we've had the pleasure of reading. In one, she contends their struggle to expose the alleged fraud has left her daughter suffering from "SEVERE post traumatic stress disorder — as do I.

"Taking a child's money and future is a really horrible thing. Frances only has $21 million — I know that's a ton to you and I don't expect the public to understand."

Among the conspirators, the former Hole singer alleges in another e-mail, are two bankers, "queenie guys [who] got on the phone and were hooting and hollering and I was playing along."
(Source: NY Daily News)