Friday, March 21, 2008

Why does this guy want to marry Taryn Manning?

I think this story is weird. Taryn Manning (she played the tortured girlfriend in "8 Mile") is marrying this shyster from the UK. He's got alot of money, is supposedly a "wanted man," and has tried to cozy up to lots of celebs since escaping from Europe. Why on earth would he go after Taryn Manning? She plays ho's and scums in so-so movies. B List AT BEST.

We're hearing all sorts of fascinating but unsubstantiated gossip about Taryn Manning's pint-sized boyfriend Mams Taylor. He's the guy who sucker punched Jesse Metcalfe outside a Hollywood club. Our source describes Mams as a Persian wannabe rapper from the UK who has charm and the gift of gab to the point of being something of a con man. Our source believes Taylor, who's real name is Mams Mesforoush, left the UK around four years ago with 300 million mysteriously acquired dollars and is "a wanted man" there. Wanted by whom, we don't know. Supposedly he has made some questionable investments and real estate deals. He wants to be famous and respected, and tried to buy the Chateau Marmont hotel by offering 45 million dollars, but was turned down. He also got involved in charity work, as a way to meet famous actresses like Lara Flynn Boyle. Supposedly he once saw Salma Hayek in the Ralph Lauren store and sent her a $15000 gift. He was also very generous with Lindsay Lohan, but she wouldn't give him a tumble. He has three Rolls Royces in different colors and likes to show off - he took Taryn on a $50,000 shopping spree on Rodeo Drive. The latest news is he and Taryn are engaged and he gave her a huge ring. We're wondering just how much Taryn knows about her wealthy fiance.
(Source: Janet Charlton's Hollywood)