Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Remember Andrew Shue?

This is what he looks like now. Not too bad, if you liked him during his Billy/Melrose Place years. And hey, there's hope if you do like him! I have good sources who have confirmed that Shue is a total dog!


Jackie said...

Totally remember him. He looks great...not that I think he's hot or anything but he looks good.

Stacee said...

Still looks pretty much the same to me.

Rachel said...

A dog, huh?? He totally puts a face to the term 'middle-aged'. Yikes!

Unknown said...

Personally, I think he's pretty hot. I was a big "Billy" fan.

Unknown said...

I see you.

Marlena said...
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Unknown said...

I keep wondering why this is such a popular entry.