Friday, March 21, 2008

Old Gossip - Some Dude Dishes on Supermodels

I think old gossip is just as good as new gossip. I love sh*t like this. And it also reminded me to ask you guys what you think of Paulina Porizkova as the new judge on 'ANTM?'

If you think being a male supermodel is all parties, exotic locations and flings with the female of his species, you're right. At least it was for Bruce Hulse.

The face of Calvin Klein and Gillette during the '80s and '90s dishes on his sexcapades with Elle Macpherson, Andie MacDowell and Paulina Porizkova, among others, in his book "Sex, Love and Fashion: A Memoir of a Male Model."

The sensitive, spiritual, six-pack-sporting hunk admits he was "smitten" with the "self-effacing and genuine" MacDowell while on a shoot in Greece. Putting the moves on the "Four Weddings and a Funeral" actress in his sparse hotel room, he gallantly tossed his T-shirt over a lamp to "create ambience." The mood was ruined when the place nearly caught fire.

And how many men have shot down Elle, "The Bod"? Hulse found Macpherson "rather boyish in her manner and extremely open, with an incredible sense of humor - a real guy's girl." Alas, Hulse was getting over a breakup with another model. He gave the Aussie glamazon the vintage "It's not you, it's me" line.

"No worries Brucie, let's just be friends then," she said.

Porizkova wasn't so instantly warm and fuzzy, requiring a candlelight dinner in Paris before giving what Hulse claims was the ride of his life.

"It was like a professional wrestling match," he tattles. "I'd never had such energetic, wild sex with anyone before."

But one woman Hulse swears he never bedded was Janice Dickinson. "She had a negative aura," he says of the loudmouthed model. "It was unsettling." Maybe for you, but she makes a great reality show.

And Hulse may be one of the few fans Naomi Campbell has left. He describes her as a "young, sweet, lovely English girl," insisting that her diva attitude is just an act to help her get through modeling with her sanity intact.

Hey Bruce, if mugging for the camera doesn't pay the bills, you could always be a publicist! (Source: NY Daily News)