Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Look at Cindy Crawford's Kids

Just look at them!


twiggfamily26 said...

Ummmm ok Nikki...can you please tell me if her kids are boys/girls what?? LOL!! I seriously don't know!!!! So I really love reading all this great gossip!!!! THANK YOU!!! :) :)

Rocio said...

They are "too" pretty...it's kinda disturbing!

Unknown said...

The blonde is a boy - Presley. The brunette is Kaya, a girl. I know - it's disturbing. They're too good looking - esp the boy!

Marlena said...

Wow that's a pretty little boy. He looks EXACTLY like her. Dang does he even have THE MOLE??

The girl is cute too but doesn't look much like Cindy in my opinion.

Rachel said...

Are those children wearing makeup?

Stacee said...

Oh wow the blonde is a boy?! He's to pretty to be a boy, and he totally has the same "beauty mark"

Stacee said...
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