Saturday, March 15, 2008

Good Morning!

Good morning! I realized last night how awful Saturday night tv is. And then I thought, "Yeah, but it's only losers like me that are at home wanting to watch tv on a Saturday night!" Why can't Big Brother be on EVERY night? I should just cave in and get the live feed. I did that once - but then I didn't enjoy the show.
I realize how idiotic this makes me sound. But, Big Brother is like crack. I didn't watch it for a long time. Then, as soon as I did. Wham! You're addicted. I'm not lying. Even Craig is into it. My friend, Rachel, even got a Chelsia haircut! And you know, I'd like to make fun of her for it - but I'd be a liar if I didn't admit that I have wondered what that haircut would look like on me. More than once. lol

Anyway - things I'm thinking about are:

* I can't get over how beautiful Zoe Kravitz is.

* I'm wondering if my 4 and 2 year old boys will like "Horton?" We're going today!

* I'm getting excited for my month-long trip to Florida! We'll be staying with my parents in southwest Florida. I miss warm weather. I'm so excited to wear sundresses and wear flip flops. Vowing to go to the beach EVERYDAY! I'm hoping we can at least pull off 3 times/week.

* I had a dream I was trapped in spooky, abandoned Neverland. *shudder*

* I'm hoping that reports Paul Newman is seriously ill (cancer?) are not true.

That's it for me. I'll do a little blogging this morning and then I'm off to spend the day with Craig, Jake and Sammy. But I'll be back tonight!



Jackie said...

I will be anxiously awaiting to hear how Horton was. The kids really want to see it. Have a great day Nikki!

Rachel said...

You outed me and my Big Brother addiction!!!! LOL Don't you find it strange that I would get a haircut to emulate someone I have such dislike for? Ha!

Marlena said...

I could talk Big Brother for hours... but atleast I didn't get Chelsia's haircut. :P Just kidding, it's a cute haircut. Seriously though I'm on pins and needles waiting to see if James puts up Matt or not today at the POV. Yes it's a little pathetic. Down with Matt! LOL

Salina said...

I am a big brother addict as well!
I LOVE Chelsia's hair and I want to see yours now Rachel!

Anonymous said...

I wish you had a tribute to the demise of James this week! *SIGH* I know you can't keep up with everything, but I am going to miss him. GO ADAM!!