Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Boy and A Girl for Angelina & Brad?

In Touch is reporting that Angelina Jolie is pregnant with a boy and a girl - fraternal twins! Who knows if it's true (my guess is 'yes'). Can you just imagine? TWO Brad n' Angie babies?!?! TWO! And that makes 6 altogether. I simply can't imagine.


Jackie said...

What is in celebrities water? So many with twins. That would be awesome if it's true. I've never been a huge Brad fan and I like Angelina ok. They are devoted parents that love to be with their kids. Shiloh is so cute.

Stacee said...

I've been hearing the twins rumor for a while now. This is the first I'm hearing boy and girl. Who knows. Would be cool if it was true.

Rachel said...

Wow, that's a lot of kids. I can't imagine.